Extracurricular Activities

stuco logo

Student Council

Student Council (STUCO) assists in school activities, school improvement, and community service. Yearly, our major fundraising activities benefit Care and Share during the Harvest of Love Food Drive and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Pennies for Patients. School activities include planning and decorating for the five school dances. Another responsibility of STUCO is selecting themes and promoting school spirit days. Ideally, the Council acts as a liaison with administration and the Parent Teacher Organization whenever possible and appropriate. Student Council is an access class, and students meet daily during the school week. Seventh grade representatives are appointed by their respective elementary schools to serve during their seventh grade year. Elections for officer (two co-presidents and activities director) and representative positions for eighth grade are held each spring for terms to be served the following school year. To be eligible for Student Council, students must have a 3.0 grade point average.


National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society promotes and recognizes accomplishments in scholarship, character, leadership, service, and citizenship. This club is open to 8th graders with a 7th grade GPA of 3.85 or higher, and members are expected to maintain academic excellence. Students must also demonstrate strength of character, strong leadership skills, and be committed to academic performance and community service. Students must show evidence of 20 hours of community service (10 hours must be in service to or through CMJH activities sponsored by staff which benefit the school community) performed after induction. The National Junior Honor Society meets at least once a month on Mondays after school. The application window is in the spring for the next year's 8th graders and the fall for current 8th graders. The application can only be accessed with a CMSD12 Gmail account with an invitation from Ms. Horvath or Mme Jaynes.

science olympiad logo

Science Olympiad

Founded in 1984, Science Olympiad is the premier team STEM competition in the nation, providing standards-based challenges to 6,300 teams at 425 tournaments in all 50 states. Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events, and emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation.

At CMJH, students apply in the spring to join the Science Olympiad team for the following school year. The team practices during Access class year-round, and the major competitions occur in the spring. Interested students should stay tuned to announcements in the spring or contact Rebecca Hibbard at rhibbard@cmsd12.org

creek club

Cheyenne Creek Conservation Club

This local environmental science service club, part of Colorado River Watch Network, learns how to apply science skills to monitor Cheyenne Creek which flows along the south side of Canon School. Although this creek is one of several small natural waterways located on the west side of Colorado Springs, it is the only one that flows year round, right past a school. Naturally, it made sense to incorporate it into some form of science studies.

What is River Watch? "Real People doing Real Science for a Real Purpose" or community based citizen science and environmental education. River Watch works with committed community stewards like our club to monitor water quality and other indicators of watershed health and utilizes our high quality data to educate citizens and inform decision makers about the condition of Colorado's waters. This data is also used in the Clean Water Act decision-making process and by agencies like Colorado Parks and Wildlife. 

Creek Club is beginning year 28 in our district, and is currently open by application to seventh and eighth graders from Cheyenne Mountain Jr. High. Students usually meet at least once each month on a Friday from 3:30-5:00 after school to do creek water testing, flow tests, water quality testing, and study the habitat. Most meetings are held across the street at Canon, and club members are outdoors for the majority of each meeting and should come prepared to be outdoors regardless of weather. Occasionally, a service project or official training may be held on a Saturday with advanced notice.  We also manage a Trout in the Classroom tank, raising fish from eggs to fry during the year.

Students who care about the water quality in rivers in our state, enjoy chemistry experiments, like working outdoors, and want to help our community and state will enjoy being a member of this 27 year old environmental science club. 

Applications are taken first thing in the fall, and new members are selected by early September.  New students who enter mid year are also given consideration. Contact Ms. Lillie in Room 204 for more details.

forensics club


Forensics Team (Speech and Drama) is an interscholastic group that meets from October to February. The CMJH Forensics Team focus is on developing oral communication, reasoning, and speaking skills. All students may participate. We will meet at least once a week after school and participate in meets on Saturdays. There is a fee. Students compete in oral interpretation events including humor, duo, poetry, readers' theatre, and drama. Students compete in acting events including Duet Acting, Storytelling, Creative Storytelling, and Duet Improv. Students compete in public speaking events such as Original Oratory, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Impromptu Speaking. Contact Mme Jaynes for more information.


Robotics Team

Team works together to compete in First Lego League Competition
~See Mrs. Koselak in room 206 for an application through Sept. 1st
~The group meets at different times before and after school

jazz band

Jazz Band

Students enrolled in Concert Band or Symphonic Band who play sax, trumpet, trombone, drumset, guitar, piano, or electric bass are eligible to participate in our outstanding CMJH Jazz Band.  (Possible exceptions might be made for guitar, piano, or bass players, as those instruments are not in Concert Band or Symphonic Band).

Jazz Band meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:20-7:50 in the band room.

The CMJH Jazz Ensemble has performed 6 times since 2002 as a featured ensemble at the Colorado Music Educators Association clinic/conference, and have received numerous awards and accolades.

Over a hundred members of the band have been deemed "outstanding jazz musicians" at the various jazz festivals they've been entered in over the past 20 years!

For additional information, please contact Mr. Margrave: Margrave@cmsd12.org

book club

Book Club

The book club reads one book a month.  We meet on Thursdays during the lunch hour in the library.  We alternate discussing the book one week and then we play games the next week. 
There is no criteria to join other than being a CMJH student!

Please contact Mrs. Bowie, our librarian, with any questions. She can be reached at abowie@cmsd12.org

dungeons and dragons club

Dungeons & Dragons Club

All students are welcome to join the Dungeons and Dragons Club! No prior experience is needed. All we require is a vivid imagination and sense of adventure.

Students will need to purchase their own set of dice.

The club meets Tuesdays from 3:15-4:00 in room 18.

To join please contact Ms. Ray at jray@cmsd12.org.

Hero's Club

Hero's Club

Hero's Club's Motto is: We believe that you were born to have a purpose in life. Hardwired to be different and it is something to be proud of. 

Each week we cover a new topic ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog to Comic Books, from Star Wars to Space.  We discuss the topic, watch videos, learn about each other, and just have fun!

All students are welcome!  We meet every Thursday from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 19.  See Mrs. Finan in the library for a permission slip


Calling all craft people! Come join crochet and knitting club. No experience required - we will teach you how to stitch! Members enjoy creating everything from blankets to stuffed animals!

Students can borrow materials during club time. The club meets Thursdays from 3:15 -3:45 in room 18. To join please contact Ms. Ray at jray@cmsd12.org.